Frosty Boy Global


Although every effort is made to ensure that the contents and information on this website remains current and accurate Frosty Boy its owners and employees nevertheless do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use thereof regarding its correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.

Every time your use this website you are required to read this legal notice and disclaimer before using the information from this website and/or any links therein. When you use this website, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions under this legal notice and disclaimer, and irrevocably consent thereto. The examples, information and statements within the materials presented on this website are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings or success for your particular business.

The results and indicative outcomes are used by Frosty Boy, its owners and employees for marketing purposes only. The results are always dependant on case specific factors, client skills and ability to utilise the products supplied correctly and safely. Other contributing factors outside of the control of Frosty Boy, its owners and employees may also play a part in outcomes when using Frosty Boy’s products. Frosty Boy accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any user of this website in respect of any kind of damage (whatsoever or howsoever occurring) that any user may suffer as result of using this website.

Trademarks and logos displayed on this website are trademarks of Frosty Boy and/or its suppliers. Nothing published on this website, or any other publication of Frosty Boy may be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the trademarks displayed on this site without the prior written consent of Frosty Boy. Legislation and technical information contained in this website is to the best of the knowledge of Frosty Boy, its owners, and employees, true and accurate and complies with current Australian legislation; however, it remains the users’ responsibility to confirm compliance with current legislation and regulatory requirements.

No liability is accepted for the infringement of any legislation within Australia or otherwise by any user of this website. Users in other countries are responsible to themselves to ensure that they comply to their respective country specific legislation in respect of the use of the information published on this website and/or otherwise. Current Australian legislation allows for downloading and copying for non-commercial and personal use only. You are respectfully requested to respect and keep intact all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices of Frosty Boy, its owners and employees.

No contents of this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted and/or distributed in any way whatsoever, including audio and video for either public or commercial use or communication, without prior written permission from Frosty Boy. Frosty Boy irrevocably reserves the right at its sole discretion and without having to give prior notice thereof, to change any information on its websites and of other material and publications. Case specific information is available upon request.